The Emotional Journey of Overcoming Muscle Pain


Thank you so much for sending me THAT book. Simply wow! I got hooked from the beginning and I felt like with every word I was walking with you through that journey. The words are raw and so beautifully written. I love how you gave examples; it gives so much clarity. Thank you for sharing your pain, your wisdom and your heart. You've achieved through this book everything you wanted; you've made me feel less alone, less lost and given me hope that I can heal and become the best person I can be. Overall, I enjoyed your book and admire your thoughts, your writing and your boldness to put all that onto paper. There are so many strong messages in there and I love how you put them across.
OMG, Hannah, I am in love with your book. I am just at the beginning, but I can feel it all throughout me. Thank you for sharing it. I can reflect on what you are telling. Our silent battles.
Beautifully written. Good job, Hannah. It’s so attractive to keep reading.


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Zum Umgang mit physischen Schmerzen Inspiration PDF muskelschmerzerfahrung.comINSPIRATION ZUM UMGANG MIT PHYSISCHEN SCHMERZEN


Unterschrift: Hannah

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